Enterprise Version
Hardware (minimum configuration): 32/64 bit x86 architecture. (64 bit recommended)
Processor: Core 2 Duo (for 1-2 users) and Xeon / Dual-processor/ Quad-Core (for 3-10 users).
OS: Windows Server 2003 / Windows Server 2008
RAM: 4 GB (minimum) and 64bit/6-8 GB (For higher number of users)
Other Software: MS Office 2003 / 2007
Desktop Version
Hardware (minimum configuration): 2 GHz + CPU (Dual Core recommended), 1 GB RAM, 20 GB free for storing patent data
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
Other Software: MS Office XP/ XP Professional / 2003 / 2007
Online SaaS Version
Internet Explorer 6+
Windows XP / Vista
Reports Edition is well suited for:
- Patent/Library Information Professionals/ Information Scientists
- Corporate IPR or even R&D teams
- Patent Search Service Providers
- Patent Agents
With the Reports Edition you can:
Organize and consolidate all patent information in your company onto a centralized storage
Collaborate with other patent researchers and quickly pick up from where they left
Integrate contents from almost all popular databases
Quickly generate tabular Word or Excel summaries of patent data
Export images too into Excel and Word
Export Independent claims separately
Reports Edition is designed for patent information professionals and can help increase productivity and save more than 60-70% of the time spent in day-to-day research work. You can quickly integrate data from multiple free and paid patent databases, filter/search/sort through and add comments and finally quickly generate fully customizable Full-text/summaries in tabular (Excel and Word) and Paragraph (in Word) documents.
Analysis Edition is well suited for:
- Competitive Intelligence or Market Research Professionals
- R&D or Technology Managers
- Inhouse Patent analysts/ Special Library teams/ Information Scientists
- Technology transfer and Licensing research teams
- Knowledge/research service providers
With Analysis Edition you can
view technology trends and relate that to company and people
generate industry standard patent reports and maps within the organization
identify most active competitors and understand their strategies
identify key (prolific) inventors within a particular organization or technology space
identify new application areas of your in-house IP
identify new licensing and research opportunities
identify patent/company acquisition opportunities, and
Strengthen current patent portfolio by filling up identified gaps
Base your valuations on clear facts regarding the status and ranking of company's IP vis-?vis the technology space
Patent iNSIGHT Pro Analysis Edition includes the most comprehensive set of power analysis tools for researchers who want to quantify research data (patents & journals) into meaningful intelligence.
Validate your intuitions and make well informed strategy decisions
Save time taken to interpret research and generate output. Conduct research in minutes and hours instead of days and months
Leverage high quality text mining capabilities while analyzing patents
Generate professional and high-impact research output that create an impact on senior management strategy
Simplify IP information communication across teams and implement industry-standard patent reporting practices within the organization
Eliminate frustrating aspects of research process and reduce chances of human error occurring in manual procedures
Patent iNSIGHT Pro includes advanced text mining alogithms to bring out those insights in minutes which would erstwhile take days for a researchers. Designed from inputs by experienced patent researchers, Patent iNSIGHT Pro easily blends into your existing Research workflow. Sr. R&D members, IP professionals, Information scientists, Strategy & Business Development, and Licensing professionals, all have found Patent iNSIGHT Pro easy to use and quick in generating meaniningful analysis for their needs.
Patent iNSIGHT Pro is a comprehensive patent research and analysis platform that accelerates your time-to-insights from patent and scientific literature.
Desktop Version
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
Other Software: MS Office XP/ XP Professional / 2003 / 2007