explicit messaging: Unlike We suggest or You might also like recommendations, RichRecs recommendations clearly explain why products are being recommended to a shopper (eg People that viewed this ultimately bought and Top selling accessories for this item), resulting in 50% higher purchase conversion.
merchant controls: Using our patent-pending suite of merchant controls, your expert team of marketers and merchandisers are more empowered than ever to move inventory, manage promotions, tune for key metrics (ie conversion or revenue), and more.for more information.
multiple recommendation types: RichRecs runs over 40 different recommendation types allowing it to display multiple recommendation sets per page making it easier for shoppers to discover relevant products while giving merchandisers more real estate for upsell and cross-sell.
automated and adaptive: built on our self-learning, self-optimizing technology platformrichrecs leverages real-time individual and crowd based behavior to automatically display up-to-the-minute recommendations relevant to real-time intent and related .
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Personalize your customers shopping experience from the moment they land on your site with RichRecs product recommendations. The more your customer shops and explores, the more the recommendations adjust to their individual behavior. Further, previous shoppers will not only see recommendations relevant to current activity, but will also be exposed to merchandise tailored to past purchases and browsing history. The result is an enriched shopping experience for your customer, and higher sales and brand loyalty for you.
Personalize your customer's shopping experience from the moment they land on your site with RichRecs product recommendations. |