Major ActiveSWF enhancements being developed now are as follows.
We offer free ActiveSWF licenses to the developers of open source and non-profit projects. You can receive the discount on ActiveSWF license in exchange for nice ActiveSWF samples. Please for details.
After your order is processed you will receive an automatically generated email from ShareIt! with a license code and registration details.
Your order will most likely be processed within the next 4 hours, but in no case will it take more than 24 hours.
ActiveSWF is sold via ShareIt!, one of the world's leading e-commerce providers for software and shareware sales via the Internet.
The distribution package includes product binary files, documentation, sample applications in VisualBasic, C#, Visual C++, ASP, PHP and samples of ActiveSWF content in XML.
Download the latest release of ActiveSWF Professional and enjoy your unlimited free trial. The fully functional version gives you the idea of our product and you will hardly notice the moment when ActiveSWF will become a vital contribution to your creation activity.
ActiveSWF supports all basic Flash graphical primitives, animations and scripting. Audio and image compression methods allow to significantly reduce movie size with minimum quality loss.
ActiveSWF generates Flash content dynamically and can be easily programmed to build Flash movies from XML. Being compatible with most of Windows oriented technologies including COM and .NET ActiveSWF SDK opens the world of Flash for millions of VisualBasic, C# and Visual C++ developers.
ActiveSWF is innovative rich media platform specially designed for web developers and Flash professionals building applications for Windows and .NET.
Build advanced Flash applications
on ActiveSWF platform
ActiveSWF is innovative rich media platform specially designed for web developers and Flash