apt-get install libapr1.0-dev libssl-dev
In rpm based Linux those dependencies could be installed by something like:
yum install apr-devel openssl-devel
In debian based Linux those dependencies could be installed by something like:
APR library
OpenSSL libraries
Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
Download the binaries for selected platforms.
Build tc-native requires three components to be installed:
Download the TC-native 1.1.13 release sources | PGP signature
15 February 2008 - TC-Native-1.1.13 released
The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tomcat Native 1.1.13 Stable.
Download the binaries for selected platforms.
Download the TC-native 1.1.14 release sources | PGP signature
04 July 2008 - TC-Native-1.1.14 released
The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tomcat Native 1.1.14 Stable.
Download the binaries for selected platforms.
Download the TC-native 1.1.15 release sources | PGP signature
10 September 2008 - TC-Native-1.1.15 released
The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tomcat Native 1.1.15 Stable.
Download the binaries for selected platforms.
Download the TC-native 1.1.16 release sources | PGP signature
18 November 2008 - TC-Native-1.1.16 released
The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tomcat Native 1.1.16 Stable.
Select one of the links from the navigation menu (to the left) to drill down to the more detailed documentation that is available. Each available manual is described in more detail below.
This is the top-level entry point of the documentation bundle for the Apache Tomcat Native
This is the top-level entry point of the documentation bundle for the Apache Tomcat Native