Customers whose TerraSync software
Version 4.01 of the TerraSync software includes the following changes:
Version 4.00 or later of the TerraSync software no longer ships with an Updater Utility.
Support for the Trimble GPS Pathfinder ProXRT receiver running firmware version 3.60 has been discontinued. You will need to update your receiver's firmware to version 3.72. For the firmware
version 3.72 and instructions on how to upgrade your existing receiver firmware, go to GPS Pathfinder ProXRT page.
New Features
Support for the Trimble Yuma rugged tablet computer.
Support for the Trimble GPS Pathfinder ProXRT receiver running firmware version 3.72.
Support for the Trimble R8 Model II receiver running firmware version 3.64. (Later versions are not currently supported.)
Support for software activation on field computers powered by the Windows Mobile version 5.0 software or version 6 operating system. For more information, refer to the TerraSync Software Getting
Started Guide.
Support for the Indian GAGAN satellites. The frequencies used by the Indian GAGAN SBAS system have been added to the SBAS.ini file; you can now manually select these frequencies for use with
receivers that support them.
Proper handling of waypoints stored in USNG (NAD83) coordinates. (USNG (NAD27) is not supported.)
Support for OmniSTAR frequencies that have 500 Hz offsets.
The heading display for SiRF-based receivers now correctly displays headings between 326 and 359 degrees.
A bug that caused the TerraSync software to export features with no attribute data to ESRI ShapeFile format has been corrected.
Refer to the version 4.01 Release Notes for installation instructions.
A TerraSync software installation code can only be activated on one Windows Mobile (version 5.0 or 6) powered device at a time. If you activate an installation code on the wrong device or need to change the device the software is activated on you will need to contact your Trimble Reseller to request it be deactivated.
Free software for TerraSync version 1.20 and 1.21 users.
New Features