Learn a language naturally, fast and with no efforts. This easy-to-use software provides fully-interactive step-by-steplessons.
Itreallyis possible to learn a new language. if you can tap yourinnatelanguage-learning ability. And that's exactly what Rosetta Stonedoes.
Rosetta Stone is the #1 language-learning software in the world, used successfully by millions of people in 150 countries.
It'sbeenadopted by government agencies and corporations includingDeutscheTelekom, IBM, and Lockheed Martin and thousands of schoolsanduniversities around the world. With Rosetta Stone, learning
anewlanguage is easier than you ever imagined. The Natural Way to LearnaForeign Language Rosetta Stone's award-winning Dynamic Immersionmethodtaps the reasoning and language skills you used to
master yournativelanguage. Rosetta Stone
Immerses you completely in your new language so you'll learn quickly and retain what you learn
Providesconstantfeedback so you'll feel confident in your ability to speak,listen,write, and read your new language accurately
Guidesyoulogically through a carefully structured curriculum so you lllearnvocabulary and grammar effortlessly without memorization
Enablesyouto learn a new language on your own schedule, whenever it'sconvenient.There are Four Key Areas of Language Learning:
ListeningRosettaStone uses native speakers and everyday language to developyourlistening comprehension skills easily and naturally.
Speaking Improve your pronunciation by using dynamic speech recognition to compare your speech with a native speaker.
Reading Develop your reading skills by linking written language to real-life objects, actions, and ideas.
WritingPracticewriting the language you are learning with the program toguide you.Simply write what you hear, then the program carefullychecksyour workand lets you correct any mistakes. Start
makingprogress immediately!
Minimum Order Quantity: | 5 Pack/Packs |
Payment Terms: | Western Union,paypal |