For germanium and sodium iodide-based spectroscopy, PGT has Quantum Gold. Quantum Gold has complete qualitative and quantitative analysis, including multiplet peak deconvolution for both NaI and Ge-detector spectra. Quantum GeD offers the same full functionality, but for germanium spectra only, and Quantum Ge includes quantitative analysis without peak deconvolution. Quantum NaID is a complete quantitative and qualitative package, including deconvolution for NaI spectra only and Quantum NaI is the same but without deconvolution Each version is a full 32-bit Microsoft Windows application and will operate under Windows 98 and later.
Princeton Gamma-Tech has long been a world-wide supplier of high-purity germanium detectors for the nuclear measurement market. Now PGT can also provide complete gamma spectroscopy systems including analytical software. The Quantum Software packages have been designed to allow the spectroscopist to decide how an analysis is performed. Power and flexibility are the watchwords for these packages, which represent our latest advance in the fields of pulse-height analysis and gamma spectroscopy.
Princeton Gamma-Tech has long been a world-wide supplier |