Real-time traffic reports on your iPhone! Now available in India! Based on your current location, or any other location you configure, Traffic will retrieve the current traffic conditions in the
area and display them on a map or in a customized listing. Easily switch back and forth between map view and list view to monitor all of the traffic around you. Choose the order that traffic items
are shown, the severity, and how large of a search area to cover. Features include: - Custom location entry, or let Traffic figure it out for you based on your current location. - At a glance map
view of traffic in your area. See all traffic conditions around you directly on a map. - At a glance listing of traffic in your area, including a summary, it's proximity to your current location,
and the time the traffic was reported. - Fully configurable display options. Choose to sort traffic based on severity, proximity, or report time. - You choose how severe and how close the traffic
must be in order to be shown in the application. - Traffic information is available in the following cities: Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad Traffic makes location-based traffic reports simple
and convenient.
Traffic India - CLO Software Publisher: CLO Software Category: All Joined: 2009-06-15 Price: $0.99 Updated On: Rank: 50 |