Rather than burden our BUREAU SERVICE Clients with having to learn disjointed bits of software, IBO-DATA have arrived at a much more convenient and effective solution. VISUAL CONVERT provides a
simple to use interface so that Client can compress images to 640 x 480 if taken at a higher resolution with a digital camera. This makes for easier emailing and still retains a good quality
There is more to VISUAL CONVERT though! captures and stores photos as .jpegs outside of the data base on most occasions although it can be configured to store them as blobs inside the database if
required. This fact, plus the unique drop photo function of VISUAL CARD, to automatically, on capture, drop a second photo into a specified folder, allows our Clients to use photos in all kinds of
applications and integrate these pictures with other software they may be utilising.
VISUAL CONVERT can compress these images so efficiently that even at 3KB, a usable and recognisable, good quality image is provided.
Rather than burden our BUREAU SERVICE Clients with having to learn disjointed bits of software, |