iTV XPress can operate in manual or automatic data insertion modes. In manual insertion mode, the triggers are manually sent to the encoder one at a time by clicking the Send Next URL button.
Automatic mode can deliver URL data using a timecode input or a time offset from start. Timecode mode sends URLs to the encoder based on an input from a timecode reader. Offset mode uses an
internal timer to trigger URL insertion based on the start time of the encode process. The mode of automatic delivery is set on a per file basis.
Both the start and end times, whether they are an offset or an absolute timecode, can be configured on a per URL basis in the Data Trigger Editor Program
iTV XPress consists of two applications, the Data Trigger Editor and the Encoder Controller. The two programs can reside on one PC or on separate machines linked through a network. The Data Trigger Editor allows the user to edit and save the URL and XDS Data list. The Encoder Controller program provides the link between the Data list and the Line 21 Data Encoder. It also provides the interface to a timecode reader card. All current options for ATVEF Type A data transmission are supported.
The EEG iTV XPress software package is a comprehensive suite for creating and encoding ATVEF Type A broadcast data triggers and XDS Current Class and Channel Class packets on Line 21.
Multiple Event Control of Interactive Links
The EEG iTV XPress software package is a comprehensive suite for creating and encoding ATVEF Type A broadcast data