Packing Slip, Carton Labels, BARCODE Labels, Challan , Different Sales Order, Purchase Order, Stocks, Production Transactions, Outstanding, Material Cost, Denier, Items Tracking, Dyes with Sahde
system, Quality, Shade No., Shade Name, Machine No., Batch No., Weight, Dyes Cost, Chemical Cost, Other Cost, Total Cost.
Single Slip, All Slips, Machine Report, Production Formula setup, Denier, Quality, Shade Formula setup, Colur Stock, and consumption, Chemical and Dyes Stock, Daily Program Details, Dyes Costing
Report, Party Costing all and selected Dyes Costing, Details Reports, Summary Reports, Machine Reports, Factory Petty Cash Book. HO to Factory and Factory to HO Data Transfer System, Sstock report,
Invoice, Account
Packing Slip, Carton Labels, BARCODE Labels, Challan