* Palette PTS cannot be used to create embroidery designs
The Palette PTS Includes:
Embroidery Design Transfer System - Your favorite embroidery designs are now within easy reach! Quickly transfer any design already digitized in PES format to an embroidery card to be used
in your Baby Lock embroidery machine. With Palette PTS you can transfer designs that you download from the Internet, as well as those accumulated on your computer's hard drive, floppy disks, and
CD-ROMs, to the 4MB card included. Insert the card into your embroidery machine and you're instantly on your way to creating exciting new projects.
Palette PTS is the perfect accessory for any sewing room, and a great way to expand your design options beyond cards without purchasing software created for specialty digitizing and advanced
editing of designs.
Embroidery Design Transfer System - Your favorite embroidery designs are now within easy reach! |