Stay tuned to hear more offerings from Vayavya Labs in future.
Ever wondered if the system level test cases for the device(IC) can be automatically generated, there by saving substantial time and effort involved in IC verification? Please stay tuned to hear more on this..
Quick generation of internal and customer document views. High light the register map and programming features of the device to target designers. Several formats (PDF, HTML, MS-Word) of document views supported.(IC).
This tools helps in automating the synthesizable RTL generation (Verilog, SystemVerilog or VHDL code) for the register map files that the architect and design teams define in a design flow. Avoid hand coding of RTL and test bench for register maps in your design to gain time and minimise efforts.
The tool helps to capture the device(IC) and software (run time) specifications in a formal manner. These specifications are used as input to the tool (DDGen) which helps in analysing the specifications and device programming models. It further fits the device programming model into the appropriate run time (including operating systems) constraints. The end result, ANSI C compliant device driver code that can be plugged into application development! to demystify device driver development and speed up your embedded product roll out
Some of the modules of the tool-suite are:
Our tools provide mechanisms to formally capture the 'Design Intent' (Specifications) of IC and Embedded Software flows. These specifications are used as input to a set of 'Intelligent Generators' that help in automation of activities in design flows there by reducing the time and effort.
Vayavya Labs offers a suite of tools that help semiconductor & embedded design firms to reduce the time and effort involved in product design, development and testing.
Vayavya Labs offers a suite of tools that help semiconductor & embedded design firms to reduce the time and effort