Modular You define the information you want to offer and how it can be delivered (e.g., phone call, text message, email). The system can be your full-featured center for
delivering all alert content, or you can offer just a single service (e.g., school closing alerts delivered via an automated phone call) and anything in between.
User Configurable Users sign up on your web site, selecting the type of information they want and how they want to receive it (e.g., phone call, text message, email). The
system is opt-in only, so no unsolicited information is sent
Customizable The user sign-up page is tailored to your offerings and needs. Audio file and text content can be delivered. Introductory recordings of your personalities are a
great way to connect with your audience.
Integrated The system works with your existing data and information sources, tracking updates to source information real-time. If new services are being offered, simple
interfaces or transfer mechanisms capture the necessary content.
Hosted, Turnkey Service No software is required. You just embed your tailored sign up form into your website to implement the system, which is managed and maintained by
Messages and content can be delivered via automated phone calls, text messages, and/or email. Users opt-in, so they only receive the information they want. The system is:
With the Adondo? Alert System you can offer your audience the ability to get the urgent information that they want right now, delivered right to their cell phone. Your audience will value timely and personalized alerts from youtheir most trusted source of newsregarding important information:
Outbound Alert System
Flexible menu configuration to provide content as desired
Simple, intuitive navigation
Ability to insert advertising in various places
Security through PIN number and CallerId
Caching to provide the latest information instantly
International dial-in numbers
Designed to meet the needs of demanding enterprise content providers, the system is a dynamic, flexible, and easily-scalable server-based solution built on a high-performance telephony backbone. Among the various system features are:
With the PhonePortal product, companies can provide access to content, via audio, any time, from any phone (no internet access required). Users can call one or more dedicated phone numbers (dial-in numbers), and when the system answers, they can press buttons on their phone to hear up-to-the-minute information, instantly and on-demand.
Phone Portals
Get email on cell phones (safe while driving)
Get traffic reports instantly on any cell phone (covers 50 US cities)
Listen to podcasts on any cell phone (e.g., NPR, ESPN, CNN)
Get stock quotes on any phone
Get weather forecasts on cell phones (any city worldwide)
Get Word, Excel documents on any cell phone.
PAL is a desktop software product that enables individuals to call their PC from any phone and then hear a wide range of their own personal, as well as internet-based information, over their phone. No special devices, extra software, or mobile internet access is required. Each version of PAL has its own dedicated phone number, and can be set up with CallerId, PIN number, and/or pass phrase security. Using customizable touch-tone commands, or by speaking verbal commands, users can:
Personal Audio Link
Audio streams are instantaneous, clear, reliable, and consistent. By calling a normal phone number and then pushing the buttons on their phone, users can access content anytime, anywhere, from any phone (no internet access required). The suite of mobile audio solutions offer a range of options for companies and individuals to provide and access up-to-the -minute information remotely, from any phone, via audio. Users can hear audio files, podcasts, live streams, text files and information, and much more, simply by pushing the buttons on their phone.
Mobile content made available on demand, via audio, is an effective way to distribute a wide range of information to customers, employees, and users.
Mobile content made available on demand, via audio, is an effective way to distribute a wide range of information |