BESTCOMS is our graphical user interface available in 16-bit and 32-bit versions for the latest MS Windows? appalications.
To ease the difficulty of setting up these complex devices, BESTCOMS is provided free of charge with the products.
This intuitive, poit and click tool makes the process of creating files easy and reduces the learning curve.
BESTCOMS is a common platform for all our numerical devices and also allows users to create and edit files, dowload COMTRADE oscillography files and to view BESTWave files. One major advantage is
the possibility to setup files witout beingconnected to the hardware. These settings can be exported, e-mailed and transferred for rapid sharing of knowledge.
For the DECS family and devices BESTCOMS also includes the PID stability orogram which can save hours of simulation.Step responses and summary screens allow to optimize settingsvia a PC.Also, users
can save the unit settings in a PC file which saves setup time when configuring multiple units to the same settings.