Accurate morphological description of filamentous structures requires the ultimate resolution available from light microscopy today with structures often of the size that is near the theoretical
limit of resolution of the best objective lens. The best possible imaging is needed just to capture the structures of interest. These are fundamental reasons why the analysis of neuron and filament
morphology is so challenging. Purely manual or purely automated strategies are therefore likely to fail. Imaris FilamentTracer uses strategies that involve an optimal combination of automated
analysis and operator decision. The choice of the best method is an essential element in optimizing efficiency. FilamentTracer allows the choice between four complementary tracing strategies
ranging from manual to automatic. FilamentTracer utilizes a creation wizard to easily guide the user through the creations steps.
Equally essential to optimizing efficiency is the ability to overlay the segmented structure (tracing) and the 3D original data in real time. FilamentTracer is fully integrated with Imaris,
enabling users to leverage its impressive range of 3D and 4D visualization capabilities as well as its image editing and processing functions. With FilamentTracer there is no need to switch between
programs, windows, or views, costing the user valuable time. Instead FilamentTracer allows the creation, visualization, editing, and analysis all in one window. By having an interactive overlay of
the original image and the resulting tracing the user can easily assess the validity of the tracing and make any necessary changes in 3D space.
FilamentTracer has been specifically designed to deal with the complex problem of spine analysis. There is no need to manually count spines anymore: FilamentTracer allows classification of detected
structures as spines and accurate analysis of spine structures on neurons with just a few clicks of a button. Statistics are provided for both dendrites and spines including information on counts,
branching, size, and intensity.
Together with , analysis can be taken a step further and spines can be classified by diameter, size, shape, or any other parameter that is calculated by FilamentTracer. The module allows custom
configuration of any user defined classification rules. The ideal combination for FilamentTracer is , (measurement of volume and intensity, manual object segmentation) and (automated spine
FilamentTracer is the most advanced software product for the automatic detection of neurons (dendritic trees, axons and spines), microtubules, and other filament like structures in 2D and 3D. FilamentTracer utilizes multiple automatic, semi automatic, and manual segmentation methods, that can be used in any combination, to successfully segment, then visualize and quantify the detected structures.
FilamentTracer is the most advanced software product for the automatic detection of neurons |