Web based Multilevel marketing sofware. developed in latest technology (php 5.2 and mysql 5.0, Ajax, java script etc.)
Front end user : login, registration, my account , income, down-line, level tree graphical presentation , genealogy.
Super Admin : control everything front end content , user registration , account activation, block, deactivation. daily sale report, generate payout /commission, distribute payment
manual and auto system. maintain user account balance. send sms to user, send sms to other user, export data in to excel sheet, update site content from admin section. assign module access to
operator and many , manage cheque, cheque print, received return cheque. and many more.
Operator admin :operator can operate assigned module by super admin , like , add/edit user account ,create cheque, received cheque, print cheque, send sms to registered user, send
sms to non users, distribute payout
100% customized 2X4 and 3X9 like matrix
many more feature......
contact me for details quote.
Customized Web based MLM software ready to use. with a power full admin control and a operator control panel.
Minimum Order Quantity: | 1 Piece/Pieces |
Payment Terms: | paypal,payoneer |
Compound Mode: | Stand Alone |
Place of Origin: | Delhi India |
Type: | Management |