Product design
Product Costing
Design models
Business presentations
Oral communications
Internet research
Team concepts
Problem solving
Idea generation
Decision making
Technology sectors
Key learning topics are:
Amatrols Enterprise System Skills lays the foundation for essential workplace skills. Too often, students attempt to contribute to an organization without underpinning skills such as communications, problem solving, working effectively in teams, presenting an idea effectively, working with others to generate ideas, etc. The result is that good ideas do not get heard and both the business and the students career suffer. Using a structured learning approach, the Enterprise Systems curriculum teaches students key skills needed in any organization. Amatrols learning activity packet (LAP) curriculum design formally teaches the principles of a given topic and then presents one or more mini-projects to help students develop the skill.
Key learning topics are:
Graphic Design
Graphic design uses elements of graphics and typography to create a message. As with desktop publishing, graphic design uses words and images to create a message. However, it delves more deeply
into design concepts such as proportion, direction, balance, consistency, contrast, and simplicity in creating effective communication. Students learn how to use these elements in structuring
communications that are easy to understand and effective. Graphic design teaches 31 skills in creating high impact graphic designs for effective communication.
Key learning topics are:
Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing teaches students how to integrate text and graphics to make an effective written communication. Most students know how to use word processing to create text as well as how to
copy pictures into a document. Desktop publishing takes this a much necessary step further by teaching students 23 key skills in making an effective communication where text and graphics are
integrated for a more compelling message.
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To be successful in modern organizations, students need technical skills that allow them to communicate and sell their ideas. Amatrol's learning programs integrate communications throughout.
Each communication learning system helps students develop key communication skills that are absolutely required in today's modern industry. Technicians, engineers, production workers and all
types of technical employment require good communication skills to be effective in their jobs.
Amatrol offers learning systems in the following areas:
Real communication skills for a technical world
Amatrol's Communication Training Systems |
To be successful in modern organizations, students need technical skills that allow them to communicate and sell their ideas.