This comprehensive Windows software package provides your choice of stunning graphic displays of current and historic data flowing from the serial output of an ULTIMETER Weather
Station. A powerful (but user-friendly) 32-bit program, WEATHER OUTLOOK features broad weather display analysis and data acquisition capabilities. View, print or export weather data reports in
tabular, graphic, and analog gauge form. Fully supports the ULTIMETER Weather Modem, and is compatible with Windows XP. You can customize the appearance and features of graphs and
gauges in the display window as desired for optimum clarity, using the simple tabular window configuration with pop-up menus. With the addition of Add-Ons(sold separately), you can expand functions
to include automatic Internet data posting and Severe Weather Warning Alarms. Requires 233 MhzPentium, 64MB RAM, 15 MB Hard Drive space, and Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP (15 ft.
interface cable included, for connection to a DB9 PC COM Port).