Along with the new TELOC? generation HaslerRail also developed a new evaluation tool. The software TELOC?EVA is written in JAVA and supports SQL databases. It allows the
customer to evaluate and analyse the vehicle's data. It is possible to export trip data into Excel. Instead of a printout, TELOC? generates an Acrobat pdf-file which can then be
printed or sent by e-mail.
HaslerRail will provide TELOC?EVA in your language; currently English, German, French, Spanisch, Italian, Polish, Persian (Farsi) and Serbian are integrated and other language will be
TELOC?EVA ETCS shows ETCS messages in graphical form in relation to the speed with the possibility to display the original message's content.
Due to its long experience HaslerRail knows that each project/customer has other demands and, therefore, please ask for a tailor-made solution.