SOFTWARESoftware is based on the algorithm creating a three-dimensional digital model of a rough diamonds surface and inclusions with its consequent three-dimensional analysis. The algorithm of
analysis defines the optimal way of cutting the specific rough diamond within the specified set of diamond cuts and selects the best parameters for them, taking into consideration the
crystallographic axis orientation.
As optimization criteria are taken the maximal weight and maximal value of the predicted polished diamonds.
The process of diamond cut planning can be performed with different automation degrees - from the interactive mode, where an operator manually prepares a plan of marking to fully automated planning
of diamond cut.
The evaluation of a polished diamond being planned is made on the basis of the user-defined price-list in accordance with the following four parameters: weight, color, clarity and cut. The
predicted color is set by an operator.
The ready plan of a diamond-cutting process consists of:
SOFTWARESoftware is based on the algorithm creating a three-dimensional digital |