View all Your IBW Files Outside of IGOR with the Thumbnail Viewer
Included with the ARgyle Light application is the Thumbnail Viewer. The Thumbnail Viewer is a separate utility that allows you to graphically display scanned images and force plots as thumbnails
and icons of image data in the Windows environment. These images, along with other critical data from the .ibw files can be viewed in Windows without the need to open them in IGOR Pro or in ARgyle
Light. This utility allows users a unique
Display acquisition parameters in a dialog and copy them to the clipboard.
Onscreen text display of commands and viewing conditions is available.
A preferences dialog presents options for setting program defaults, colors, and startup conditions.
Data channel export saves data into IGOR ASCII text format for easy parsing and importing into other analysis programs.
More Advanced Features
Exporting, Preferences and Information Display
Once your viewing, scaling, and lighting conditions have been optimized, you can take a snapshot and copy it to the clipboard or save it in a standard graphic file format. A channel export option
can easily export data for separate analysis into third party software programs. In addition, application preferences, onscreen help, image acquisition parameters, and more are all available.
Renderings may be exported to clipboard or saved as JPEG, PNG, BMP, and TIFF.
Independent scaling of overlaid data allows separate control of range and offset from the channel being covered.
Overlay Options for Data Fusion
MFP-3D images contain multiple channels gathered during AFM data acquisition as well as post processed channels. These channels represent height, phase, amplitude, magnetic, and electrical
measurements along with other custom inputs. Our unique data channel overlay enables correlation of data from two different channels allowing the user to yield more information about the
Color information from a channel, such as phase, may be overlaid on an alternate channel to establish a relation between the datasets.
Lighting and background colors may also be changed allowing you to match styles such as those in presentations.
Specular lighting with intensity control can be enabled to give your data a shiny appearance. Higher frequency surface features will become more apparent when reflective properties are applied.
A rich selection of color palettes are offered for mapping your channel data. Options are included to make a color negative of the selected palette or flip it.
Lighting, Color, and Palette Options Enhance Image Details
Just as lighting and color bring out detailed structure in everyday objects, ARgyle Light presents options to fully interact with various properties related to illumination of the AFM image. The
combination of color mapping, lighting position, and control of material properties bring out qualities in your data that would normally go unnoticed.
A spotlight can be enabled and rotated in a virtual sphere around the sample to illuminate it from any angle.
Stereo anaglyph support is included to project your renderings with depth when viewed with red/cyan glasses.
Axis labels, boundary boxes, tick marks, and color bars assist as visual aids to display dimensions of the sample.
Aspect ratio controls use logical axis scaling in Z to magnify, reduce, or match physical dimensions at 1:1.
Z axis controls allow adjustment of range and offset in an easy and interactive manner to scale your data for optimal display.
Viewing and Scaling Options for Added Visual Depth of Your Images
ARgyle Lights advanced controls (see control bar below) allow you to adjust your viewing position and scale your data to achieve optimal display of rendered images in three dimensions (3D). A
variety of options are provided to give your acquired images more depth and visual appearance.
Rotation, pitch, zoom, and panning controls provide the ability to see your image from any angle and position.
Advanced 3D Rendering in an Easy-to-Use Interface
ARgyle Light is a standalone OpenGL? application that easily installs on any Windows 2000 or XP-based computer. Once installed, users can open any Asylum Research image file (IBW file) that has
been created within the MFP-3D IGOR Pro environment. ARgyle Light will import all the channel data and parameters for offline image rendering and exporting. It has the same powerful rendering tools
found in the native software for creating stunning AFM images with numerous controls in an easy-to-use interface.
Asylum Research has developed ARgyle Light, a standalone application that allows MFP-3D AFM system users to render and share their image files outside the instruments IGOR Pro native operating environment. The application is offered free of charge to all MFP-3D users and colleagues.
ARgyle Light Advanced 3D Image Rendering
and File Sharing Application
ARgyle Light Advanced 3D Image Rendering |