The device running MobileXpert is typically connected to the controller or SINC device by means of a CF-428 CompactFlash-RS485 adapter.
PC-based software is used to create and edit MobileXpert screens in a simple drag-and-drop integrated design tool. The screen builder software allows for screen labeling, icon button definition, .bmp and .jpg graphic import, ASI action invocation, and screen jumping along with other features.
A special air-balancing screen for variable air volume terminal (VAV) applications simplifies the air-balancing procedure. In this illustration the user sees the reading as measured at the box and is prompted to enter the flow hood reading. Pressing OK submits the calibration factors to the controller and the air-balancing process is complete.
MobileXpert provides unparalleled portability and power in a DDC service tool. MobileXpert includes interface screens for ASIC/1-8x55, ASIC/2, and SINC/3 devices. These screens display various control parameters, and enable setpoint and schedule changes from MobileXpert. Users can develop new custom screens on a PC and upload them to the device with the synchronization tool. Any number of screens can be built to provide a selection of monitoring and layout options.
MobileXpert is a software tool intended primarily for field service personnel, project commissioning staff, and building engineers. It provides a full-featured and intuitive interface for maintenance of the ASI control systems. MobileXpert runs on personal digital assistants (PDA) or smartphones running the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system.
Windows Mobile-based Interface Software
Windows Mobile-based Interface Software
MobileXpert datasheet (PDF; 282k)