Through dedication to the highest quality design and construction standards, TOMAR has offered unmatched 10-year warranties on many of its products since 1982. TOMAR knows how to build product that lasts and TOMAR warranties back that up.
Utilizing unique construction techniques, such as fully encapsulated electronics and hermetically sealed lamps, TOMAR makes the industrys most environmentally robust products greatly exceeding the performance and environmental requirements of SAE, 13CCR22, and ECE65.
TOMAR's in-house advanced production machinery and capabilities include:
Manufacturing Capabilities
Additionally, the TOMAR product realization team has access to and has utilized outside design resources when needed. TOMARs proximity to two of Arizonas state universities gives TOMAR access to many engineering students and graduates. The University of Arizona in Tucson is world renowned for its optics and optical engineering program. Arizona State University in Tempe has a strong electrical and mechanical engineering program.
Product Realization
The Tomar Custom Design product realization team includes electrical, software, mechanical, optical, and manufacturing engineers using tools such as:
Tracepro optical design software
Prosource optical ray generation software