10 Gigabit Ethernet LX4
Features & Benefits
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Miniature 4Wave Quad ROSA
4Waves innovative design and advanced fabrication techniques allow us to offer a fully integrated multi bounce cavity, lenses four-channel CWDM demux filter array. This multi-filter array enables
4Wave to manufacture small, reliable, and highly integrated optical subassemblies. Alignment difficulties are drastically reduced due to the deposition of all four filters simultaneously on the
same optically flat surface.
4Wave has developed a fully integrate Quad Receiver Optical Sub Assembly. This product has been designed specifically for an LX4 10 GBE transceiver.
4 Channel Receiver Optical Sub Assembly (Quad ROSA)
4 Channel Receiver Optical Sub Assembly (Quad ROSA) 4Wave has developed a fully integrate Quad Receiver Optical Sub Assembly |