Audit Controls provides audit and a control of the computer science systems divided in four levels and managed by means of `White & Black List':
The users
The data bases
The sensible files
The processes
The users are controlled by means of codes of monitoring formed to ready traverse `white and black list' that provides the security of the systems, emitting an exhaustive Audit with a reach of
complete trace of actions.
The files that contain sensible accesses of information, are controlled and audited during all the life of the file, reporting the information of the Time to Live of File, or an erasure of file,
a shipment, an impression, one copies.
To the bases different methods from accesses exist that among others can be focused in three general controls: the realised ones directly from the app normally with a generic user, realised
by the administrators of the system and realised by programmers and the intruders to cyber.
Audit Controls Regist the three types in real time, allowing the location of all the sent sentences SQL from a user, a Mac adress or from an IP towards the data base. It relates the picked up
data and sentences SQL, (including sentences like: select, drop, truncate,...) to an employee or an assault to the system.
By means of the White lists of Audit Controls the processes of the system that can be executed, as well as the processes are controlled that cannot be executed and form political of
security, in both cases the audits inform into the processes that a machine or employee is executing or tries to activate, sending in all the cases the associate alarms.
AuditControls contributes a combination of technologies that allow to have systems of strong authentication, conjugating the identity of the user to the execution of the processes, programs,
files, or data bases. It allows to control the portable programs. And a lot more.