The Unified Messaging Solution
The Unified Messaging solution for BusinessPhone is designed to simplify the users day-to-day handling of messages in an intelligent, flexible and intuitive way. It comes down to one single point
of access to the voicemail, faxmail and e-mail systems increasing the users efficiency and productivity. Users can forward voicemail and faxmail messages as an attachment to an e-mail message to
numerous addresses within their company or throughout the world. They can access messages remotely via the Internet when on the move.
SMS notification to mobile phones will inform the user about new voice, text, fax or call-me messages. That allows fast response to the message originator. Using this solution, all your messages
can follow you, wherever you and your PC are. By providing your workforce with this fully integrated Unified Messaging solution, you are not just improving their ability to handle their messages
more effectively. You are giving them the power to be more productive, both individually and as part of team.
BackStage functionality includes business call support, messaging, communication profiles, presence information, team efficiency enhancements and data integration. A key element is the integration
with a customers infrastructure. This is especially important for examples like Outlook, directories, tools for Customer Relationship Management and web information services.
The supported communication devices are digital, analog and IP phones, cordless and mobile phones. Access is provided via PCs, Terminal Clients, Web browser and Pocket PCs.
Technology options available for selection are Computer Telephony (CT), Voice over IP (VoIP) and, if needed, Terminal Server, wireless LAN (WLAN) and Remote Access Services. The communication
systems served are BusinessPhone and MD Evolution (generally platforms supporting the common CSTA / TSAPI Computer Telephony standard).
Valuable functions
BackStage not only enables your PC with all the enhanced functions of a desktop telephone, it also enables other applications for telephony functions. It integrates data and it provides cordless
and mobile phones with convenient and unified handling:
The supported communication devices are digital, analog and IP phones, cordless and mobile phones.