Hong Kong International ICT Expo
13-16 April 2009, Hong Kong
Bett 2009
14-17 January 2009, London UK
BASIS Softexpo-2009
Softexpo in ChinaBangla Friendship hall
5. Accounting system
It will provide income and expenses statement.
It will provide Accounting Ledger.
It will provide Balance sheet.
It will provide Due Installment Report statement.
It will provide General and Subsidiary Ledger and Sub-Subsidiary Ledger.
It will provide Cash Book.
It will provide Bank Book.
It will provide Day Book.
It will provide Profit And Loss Accounts.
It will provide Date wise income and expense.
It will provide Monthly statement
Talukder ICT Solutions Ltd. committed to bring innovative solution to its valued customers ensuring the highest quality of service (QOS).
4. Sales
It will show all the Books information about Book sales.
It will show how many books take per each customer and how much paid.
It will maintain reduction for every item.
It will maintain how much money daily collection and will give daily, monthly and yearly collection statement.
It will maintain daily all sales and will give daily, monthly and yearly sales statement.
It will give invoice or cash memo report.
It will provide Sales Return option.
3. Study Information
Study information system will provide all in & out Study information. In-Study information will show In-Study No, Membership No, Entry Time, Study Date, Member Name, Address, Study Books,
and Finally Exit Time. Out-Study information will show Out-Study No, Membership No, Entry Date, Books out Date, Member Name, Address, Study Books, and Finally Books in Date.
2. Membership
Membership information system will show all information about General & Student membership, like Membership No, Member's Name, Fathers Name, Present Address, Permanent Address,
Institution, Subject, Roll No, Occupation, Designation, Phone, Email, Age, Issue Date, Expiry Date, Opening Balance etc.
1. Inventory
Inventory information system Will show all information about all Books information like Book name its Writer, Subject, Author, Translator, Place of Publication, Publishers, Date of
Publication, Pages, Print Times, Circulation, Price, Book No, Shelf No, Book Quantity etc. which is available for sales, purchase. Different types of searching technique are available, like Book
Name, Subject, Book No, and Shelf No. It is capable to store Multilanguage's books, like English, Bangle, and Persian. It will maintain group wise Books setup.
Following are the Features which point out the highlighted first four modules for your esteemed organization.
Simplify your day-to-day Study activity.
Check Stock availability, Stock movement analysis.
Membership analysis for Books Study.
Assigned Person wise status with Books Delivery, Collection and Sales.
Keep track record of all the regional Member's information.
Focus on your running Books by selected Members (with date range).
Focus on your regular Members by selected Books (with date range).
Benefits of Library Management of System Solution:
Our global operating model allows us to provide customized and affordable dynamic Library Management System Solution in a very cost effective, efficient and qualitative manner, enabling businesses to go online fast and at reduced costs.
Library Management System :
Following are the Features which point out the highlighted first four modules for your esteemed organization.