With OfficeCalendar, sharing calendars has become an affordable solution: you get the similar functions with a minimum cost.
It used to be possible only when your company have Microsoft Exchange server, which is an expensive item and need regular maintenance too. Most of SME won't be able to afford to buy and maintain one Exchange server.
In simple words, OfficeCalendar enable your office staff sharing their calendar/Tasks/Contacts to each other.
OfficeCalendar Offer You:
OfficeCalendar is a computer software program that is an alternative to Microsoft Exchange Server. OfficeCalendar allows its users to share Microsoft Outlook calendar, email, contact, and task information with other Microsoft Outlook users on a computer network. OfficeCalendar makes Outlook calendar sharing and group scheduling easy and affordable with its interactive group calendars because it does not require Microsoft's Exchange Server, which is considered too expensive and too complicated for small businesses.
OfficeCalendar is a computer software program that is an alternative to Microsoft Exchange Server.