Matahari Studios Art Outsourcing Division at 2008
We had a blast during last year, working on even more variety of game art style, genre and platforms. The highlights starts from a couple of niche environment, more savvy-to-totally-wrecked
vehicles, over 850 character animations,, and of course not to leave the all the fun on tons of modeling and texturing art work.
Big special thanks goes to all our respected clients in 2008 (in alphabetical orders): AWE Games, City Interactive, Cyanide, Data Design Interactive, Forterra, Gamesauce, Golem Labs, Heuristic
Park, Ibloks, and World Golf Tour.
It has been wonderful to work with you, and looking forward to continue our succesful relationship throughout many years ahead.
We had a blast during last year, working on even more variety of game art style, genre and platforms.