Salient Features
The Data Analysis Software computers the various data transferred from the Recording unit to the Computer and generates various reports based on Driver, Vehicle and Route. The Software runs on a windows based platform. The reports that can be generated are :
Data Analysis Software
The Hand Held Terminal is used to enter initial data into the Electronic Unit. It is also used to download data from the Electronic Recording Unit and upload the same to the Computer for analysis after the trip. The Hand Held Terminal is used to start and stop the Electronic Recording Unit.
Hand Held Terminal
Speed sensor is unique to the vehicle capable of being mounted on the gear box with easy installation and without loss/modification to any existing part. The Sensor generates pulses in relation to the speed of the vehicle. The mechanism has been designed to withstand hazardous and dusty, grimy and corrosive environment. There are no gears or mechanical drives to tamper with and change the ratios.
Speed Sensor
The Electronic Control Unit is mounted on the vehicle in any preferred location in the drivers cabin. The unit receives pulses from the speed sensor based on which it computes the speed and distance and records the same with a help of a memory chip.
Electronic Recording Unit (Black Box)
The Vehicle Monitoring System comprises of :
Pricol's Vehicle Monitoring System is a micro-controller based unit that constantly monitors the speed and later analyses the performance on a computer and tabulates the results with detailed analysis. Various reports based on Vehicle Speed, Stoppages, Heavy Acceleration, Heavy Braking, Signal tampering and Battery Tampering can be generated.
Vehicle Monitoring System