Ability to support networking capabilities while providing end point protection
Ability to support concurrent dial-up and LAN connectivity
Ability to block common external network attacks
Ability to restrict outgoing network communications
Ability to maintain consistent protection across multiple successive dial-up connections
Ability to log events in a consistent and useful manner
The objective of ICSA Labs' PC Firewall Certification Program is to make available to the user community a selection of products that provide the following security services:
As a security product category, PC Firewalls, also known as "Personal" or "Desktop" Firewalls were practically insignificant a year ago. However, that has changed. PC Firewalls have become a "must
have" for anyone intent on maintaining end point security while on a persistent connection, telecommuting, and for remote/traveling employees.
PC Firewall Certification Program
PC Firewalls are generally software programs designed to protect an individual host (workstation or laptop) computer while connected to the Internet. These desktop or "personal" firewalls accomplish this by examining the data stream (individual data packets),and denying access to suspicious incoming and outgoing traffic. Some even allow for the configuration to block specific application from accessing the corporate network or the Internet totally. As the number telecommuters and broadband (DSL & Cable) connections continue to increase, these programs will become more and more important in providing 'end point' security to corporations and consumers alike.
ICSA Labs' SSL-TLS Software