FinTrack offers a proven global Equity Swaps position management platform SwapsTrack to banks, broker/dealers and hedge funds enabling them to meet their complex trading, trade monitoring,
position, collateral and risk management operations. SwapsTrack is a global trading system that enables financial institutions to manage the full life cycle of an equity swap: swap creation,
booking and managing positions, equity and rate resets, equity financing, corporate actions, profit & loss, collateral, margin management etc. The system can actively manage equity positions with
real-time market data providing instant profit & loss, performance, collateral and margin details.
Salient features of SwapsTrack include:
* Multi-asset and multi-currency TRS, Dividend, Basket and Portfolio Swaps
* Full trade life cycle : booking, amendments, ISDA confirms, equity and rate resets, undo resets, rollovers, early terminations, event diaries, Audit Trails
* Flexible and quick trade entries via customizable templates
* Tranche management and Deallocations: LIFO, FIFO, Max Profit etc
* Swap Financing: shorts/longs overrides on a daily basis (by swap/cparty/security), spreads, dividend ratios, credit limits
* Collateral, Independent amount, Variation Margin requirements etc
* Reports (print/XML): Performance (current and historical), daily P&L, Reset statements, Variation Margin, Open Positions, Daily extracts for accounting and taxation
FinTrack offers a proven global Equity Swaps position management platform SwapsTrack to banks,