To be placed on our list for a FREE 7 day trial of The acuTREND Trading System Software
If you are a hedge fund, institution or professional trader call or email me directly at (704) 385-7000 or for a test drive evaluation. In depth training and custom radar screen matrix's available.
At this time the software add-on can only be used in conjuction with TradeStation 8.x and higher. Click below to view chart examples.
The acuTREND Trading System Software is a High performance trend trading system software with compelling results. TRENDadvisor's acuTREND trading system software offers buy/sell/stop signal strategies for trading stocks, futures, forex, commodities, bonds for day, swing & position traders. Drop our exclusive trend weight radar screen onto any group of financial instruments to determine the quality and strength of the current trend. This screen also acts as a money management tool for capital deployment.
The acuTREND Trading System Software is a High performance trend trading system software with compelling results |