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For consumer-oriented financial planning professionals who wish to take advantage of advanced professional innovations, this site is intended to show a small sample of the client service and competitive advantages that are provided with the LifeGuide? Professional Financial software, The Professional Choice?. This site also provides quick and easy facilities for new subscribers to subscribe to LifeGuide? and for existing subscribers to renew their subsciptions
The LifeGuide? Professional Financial software is used by thousands of consumer-oriented financial services professionals and firms coast to coast. Since many years ago, LifeGuide? is widely recognized as the leader in quality, scope and value. LifeGuide? IS The Professional Choice?.
While covering the widest range of products, the LifeGuide? Professional Financial software also covers the largest number of products as well as the largest number of life insurance companies.
- Long Term Care (LTCi)
- Specialty and Niche Products
- T100
- Whole Life
- Universal Life
- Critical Illness
The LifeGuide? Professional Financial software covers the entire range of life insurance and related products, including:
- Term
The LifeGuide? Professional Financial software is designed, produced, maintained and distributed by CompuOffice Software Inc. CompuOffice Software Inc. is a leading designer and producer of quality
software for the professions.
The LifeGuide? Professional Financial software sets the standards for independent life insurance and financial product research, evaluation, comparison, information and quotation software.
CompuOffice Software Inc. is a rapidly growing Canadian owned and operated specialty professional software firm.
Since its beginnings as a partnership formed in the late 1980s, CompuOffice is an innovator in custom software for the professions and for business and in the production of "turn key" application
software. The name CompuOffice was chosen in the late 1980s to reflect the firm's expertise in software for the computerization of office operations. CompuOffice was also the name given
to one of the firm's earlier products, the CompuOffice ? office management and database system.
Since its inception in the late 1980's the mark CompuOffice - as well as other marks of the firm - have become well known and synonymous with excellence, high value, reliability and top-notch
service. Since its beginning the firm has enjoyed a successful, rapid, yet safe growth without compromising on product quality, service, reliability and value. The structure of the firm was changed
from a partnership to a corporation in 1992. The firm is a private firm and its shares are not traded on any stock exchange. All software products produced by CompuOffice Software Inc
are Year 2000 Compliant since the very early 1990s.
CompuOffice's clients include notable professionals and respected prestigious firms.
The LifeGuide? Professional Software is produced, distributed and marketed by CompuOffice Software Inc.
The LifeGuide Professional Financial software sets the standards for independent life insurance and financial product research |