Please download a Free 30-Day Trial at --it takes just a few minutes to set up. Once you try it, you'll agreethat Remote Data Backups is an essential tool for protecting andoperating your business.
The software is easy to set up and use, andloaded with valuable functions designed to save you time and money,such as: Easy System Restore, Remote File Access, 10-File Versioningand Extended Archiving.
We have researched backup solutions extensively and canconfidently say we've partnered with the industry leader. They protectdata for over 150 franchise organizations and have tons of clienttestimonials praising their service.
Your data is reliably protected offsite fromfire, flood, theft or sabotage, in addition to common technicaldisasters such as hard drive crashes, viruses, data corruption, hackersand even human error (deleting files). It is a much more cost effectiveand reliable backup solution than manually using tape, Zip, Jazz, CDRW,DVD or external drives.
RDB is the most cost effective, secure, and convenientway to automatically back up your data offsite every night. Your filesare transmitted and stored using 128-bit AES Encryption and SSLtechnology at their two state-of-the-art mirrored data centers, so itis extremely secure from any unwanted access.
I would like to introduce you to a valuable new service we are now offering to all our preferred clients: Remote Data Backups (RDB).
Without adequate data protection, your business can become another unfortunate statistic.
Hard Drive Crashes. Viruses. Hackers. Data Corruption.
Fire. Flood. Natural Disasters.
Disgruntled Employees. Theft. Human Error.
7 out of 10 small firms go out of business within a year if they experience a major data loss - Information Security Breaches Survey, DTI/PriceWaterhouse Coopers,
Hard Drive Crashes. Viruses. Hackers. Data Corruption. Fire. Flood. Natural Disasters,Disgruntled Employees. Theft Human Error |