UnTill? software is dynamic and constantly further developed. Many times developments are on specific request of current users. If you chose the software updating subscription (SUS) you will
constantly get updates of the most recent developments and additions to the unTill? software. This way unTill? software always stays ahead and will never be outdated!
The cost calculation for unTill? hospitality software is based on the number of work stations. Usually touch screen stations, possibly wireless handheld work stations and possibly a back
office station. The back office manages your Point of Sale system and generates management reports.
Interface modules are optional couplings of unTill? with accounting, hotel or dispenser soft- or hardware. The interface enables information exchange with these systems.
Interface software
POS software
Management/ POS server software
Software Licenses
The unTill? Hospitality Software Suite can be divided in 3 main areas:
External software interfaces
As you can expect from a professional hospitality software solution, unTill? can offer interface solutions with popular accounting-, bar automation- or hotel management software.
Operational stability
unTill? does not rely on a central data base or server, unlike traditional hospitality solutions.
Each unTill? work station works independent in a network. It synchronises its data continuously each 0,15 seconds with the other unTill? work stations in the network. Each work station is an exact
copy (back-up) of the other unTill? work stations. In the unlikely event one of the stations breaks down, the others will take over without loss of data or having to close the restaurant. The
number of work stations and the strain on the network does not affect the performance of your work stations. Successful networks of over 50 work stations in one restaurant have been made
operational using unTill?.
Management information
unTill? provides real-time management information. Clear reports give comprehensive information like sales per time period, sales area, employee, department, article or a combination of these.
Reporting can be done on screen, as a preview, printed or exported to a file, spread sheet (MS Excel) or via e-mail.
It is even possible to reproduce historical records to trace suspected waiter transactions. All these features put you in control of your business!
The user interface of the unTill? environment is the same as that of Microsoft Windows users interface. Its clear, logical and neatly structured. It enables the manager to change menus, prices or
options himself. Being self supportive means more flexibility, more efficiency and more profitability.
Intuitive software
unTill? Hospitality software is characterized by neat screens and clear proprietary icons. The screen flow is intuitive and logical and puts the user in control with the touch of a button. Staff
training time is reduced from hours to minutes. unTill? is very user-friendly: no other hospitality software uses less screens. The system can handle several languages simultaneously.
unTill? Software | |
Accounting interface (coupling with ex. Pastel, Exact, King)