What SVI is your business currently achieving?
Therefore it goes without saying that the higher the SVI the higher the return on investment in Inventory you will achieve. Stores that use OPTEMIZER and its Open2Buy Plus module achieve a minimum target SVI of 150.
In other words, it is the gross margin of a product annualised. If for instance a product that has a gross margin of 30%, and a stock turn of 1, its SVI is 30. The same product with a stock turn of 2, has an SVI of 60, or generating the same amount of gross profit on half the inventory.
Stock Velocity Index (SVI = Gross Margin X Stock Turns) is the only truly accurate measurement of the return on investment in your inventory that you are achieving.
Stock Velocity Index (SVI = Gross Margin X Stock Turns) is the only truly accurate measurement of the return on investment |