I-Scan, the user-friendly force and pressure measurement system, records and saves static and dynamic pressure data directly to your PC. With a choice of over 200 available sensors in a variety of
shapes and sizes, this versatile system is tailored to meet your application needs.
I-Scan has been used in many applications including brake, wafer polishing, nip pinch, packaging and many more. The system's technology has played a key role in research and development, test and
measurement, quality assurance, and machine set-up applications in a wide range of industries.
At the heart of the I-Scan system are Tekscan's thin sensors. Our sensors are minimally disruptive to the true pressure pattern and fit in almost any application. Sensors are available in many
pressure ranges and sizes; many of our standard sensors have been designed for specific purposes such as tire bead and nip pinch.
We also offer a full range of basic shape sensors that work with a wide range of applications. These offerings coupled with the sensor's patented high spatial resolution (up to 1600 sensels/in2 or
248 sensels/cm2) have made us the industry leader in solving difficult applications.
The I-Scan system provides advanced, yet simple to use software that displays force and pressure data in real-time. Data can also be saved, analyzed in a multitude of graphs, or exported into ASCII
the user-friendly force and pressure measurement system, records and saves static and dynamic pressure data directly to your PC.