True Identity Time Management System protects your employees and further secures your workplace by ensuring that only authorized people have access to premises. This unique solution also reduces the incidence of fraudulent timesheets, and eliminates the need for employees to carry pass cards or remember passwords or pin codes all of which improve productivity and reduce administrative costs for your organization.
This system can be integrated directly with your existing payroll system, eliminating manual checking, punch cards and other traditional forms of recoding time and attendance.
Whether you need to monitor and manage employees, contractors, or both, True Identity Time management system involves a one-off enrolment process.
True Identity Time & Attendance helps to address each of these issues, using the powerful, privacy enhancing capabilities of iris recognition. True identity Time management system is fast, non-invasive and completely non-contact.
As personnel management becomes increasingly complex, so too do the issues of employee privacy security and organization duty of care. At the same time, organizations are realizing that great cost savings and productivity gains can be achieved through process improvement in the workplace.
. Time Management Control
(Improve personnel management while reducing costs and improving efficiency)
(Improve personnel management while reducing costs and improving efficiency) |