iQual provides you with the following:
iQual focuses on the following aspects of a registered company:
iQual has been developed with the purpose of assisting the procurement office in obtaining quotations from all registered suppliers on a rotation basis.
iQual is designed for a client-server environment. The server hosts the Microsoft SQL 2000 database, client setup software and manuals. The Predicate Hosting and Deployment Framework (PHDF) eases the network administrators work by automatically updating client software. iQual can be deployed on a LAN or a WAN depending on user requirements and geographical layout.
iQual incorporates the Policy to Guide Uniformity in Procurement Reform Process in Government published by the National Treasury in September 2003, as well as the Framework for supply management as per the amendment of the PFMA.
Preferential procurement ensures:
iQual is a procurement tool to assist in the Supply Chain Management process. iQual complies with the regulations of the South African Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999) (PFMA), the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000) (PPPFA) and Treasury Instructions.
iQual is a procurement tool to assist in the Supply Chain Management process.