remote access to the system.
Finally this will help you to manage your operation efficiently & effectively even with
and many more.
on line such as production recovery, export recovery, production comparisons against GRNs
With this system it will speed up the entire process and provides management valuable details
which is highly impossible in a manual system.
completion of invoice process exact loin cost for an invoice can be obtain from the system
System will automatically generate invoice and users will required only updating unit prices. On
disbursement reports are ready for users without any delay with 100 % accuracy.
At the end of packing process reports such as export packing list, detail packing list and
standards, blocking a particular fish or even a loin at any point in the production floor.
Access has been given to quality department for updating quality defects based on their
quality states updated by the quality department validating the production details.
avoid product mismatching, customer mismatching and even quality enforcement based on
Unique barcode make it easier for users for packing, just by scanning the product barcode. This
number of that loin at any time.
an unique barcode for each loin for identifying GRN number, fish type, fish number and pieces
details of the product mainly product type, customer, production & expire dates and produce
down label selecting time, writing time and even wrong labeling. Label contains all necessary
production process, automatically identifying specific design for each customer, totally cutting
System generates fully water proof specially designed barcode labels for loins (products) at
and real time data availability to management for there decision making purposes.
avoiding manual fetching of data. This provides increased productivity, 100 % accuracy of data
system. Weighing details abstract from scalars at relevant points to PDA via WiFi technology
PDAs are used in goods receiving, production & packing stages for capturing data to the
monitoring & capturing data at entire production flow by using PDA and barcode technology.
process. This system facilitates customer order processing, production planning, process
SPAS is a specially designed software for fish product export industry for automating the
process. This system facilitates cust