The simplest way to automate any machine!
We'll give you the foundation, you build the sky scraper!
Email us for the link to download the demo. The VCL contains all the functionality, of the full version except that it requires Delphi or C++Builder to be running. Please note that the demo will expire in 30 days. Only available for Delphi 5 and C++ Builder 4.
Purchase locoMotion today
$949 (no source code) or
$4,995 (with the Delphi source code).
Currently supports the Delta Tau Turbo PMAC on Win32 and the Motion Engineering DSP series cards (PC/DSP, PCX/DSP, etc.) on the Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.
With locoMotion, you need only concentrate on your project specific issues, putting you months ahead of schedule.
You even get built in GUI forms for machine parameters with online help. Your clients will love it! They will get a uniform look to the machines you design, plus complete factory floor customization.
This set of 16 native VCL components deliver a complete motion control solution. Simply drop IO, servo motor, or stepper motor control directly into your form. locoMotion will handle the background thread generation and communication to the hardware interface card.
for Motion Control
Native Delphi and C++Builder VCL Components
Native Delphi and C++Builder VCL Components |