Import and Export Results
Data can be exchanged from one system to another user via the import and export features. Certificate data can be converted in spreadsheet, CSV and HTML formats.
Customise Certificates
Using Crystal Reports (optional) certificates formats can be easily customised, or design a new certificate layout.
Produce Calibration Certificates & labels on demand. The user can keep a record of instrument history and servicing. Simple search facilities help find the required certificate.
Calibration Test Forms
Alternatively calibration test forms for hand written results are available. This data is then entered into EasyCal at a later date.
End of Calibration Run
At the end of a calibration run the operator has the option to print a certificate and label. The ability to edit service information is also presented to the operator.
Graphical Test Screen
The calibration run is made simple and efficient by a graphical user-interface, which increases speed of data entry. Instruments, which cannot be automatically calibrated, can still have the
results data entered manually. The entered value is compared with the required value as specified in the procedure.
Calibration Prompts
Picture prompts are shown to aid the user with instrument range selection and connection.
Test Control
At any stage during the calibration run a summary of the results for the tests completed is displayed. The operator is able to move forward or backward through the procedure as required. A summary
printout is also available from Test Control.
Instrument Calibration
Selection of the instrument under test is quick and easy. With the use of a barcode scanner this selection becomes automatic.
Procedure Simulation
To help with the development of procedures a test can be edited while a calibration run is being performed. Also the Calibration Run Simulator means a procedure can be tested without the need for
controlling an instrument.
RS232 / GPIB Commands
For more complex instrument control GPIB / RS232 commands can be sent on a test-by-test basis or run as a script.
Procedure Reports
Procedure reports are available for approval and signing off.
Conversion Tables
Conversion tables for thermocouples and RTDs are included; alternatively user-defined tables can be created.
Standard Procedures
A standard calibration library comprising of over 1000 procedures covering a wide variety of instruments is included as standard. Procedure templates for multi-meters, clamp meters, decade boxes,
insulation testers, and more can be used for creating any new procedures as required.
Procedure Writing and Editing
Creating and editing test procedures is made simple with intuitive, user-friendly windows. Editing test information can be done by replacing, adding, or copy/pasting. EasyCal keeps track of each
time a procedure is edited.
Calibrating Instruments, Standards and Uncertainties
Traceability information on calibrating instruments and standards is stored and maintained by EasyCal. Uncertainty tables for laboratory and site can be created for each calibrating instrument.
These are then automatically processed and applied to certificates.
Instrument Recall and Reminder System
Instruments which are due for calibration are listed on screen. From here reminder letters and lists can be printed or emailed directly to the customer or department.
Instruments, Customers, and Jobs
A comprehensive database of instruments and customers (or owner) allows the operator to access any information required. By clicking the search button on the toolbar it is possible to enter
specific criteria to quickly find the instrument or customer. When adding details the user is aided by comprehensive drop-down lists, which automatically update when a new detail is added. When an
instrument is booked in the job process starts. Specific information about the job is entered; such as service required, service by and accessories supplied. A job sheet and label can be produced
at this stage to accompany the instrument. As the job is put though the system these parameters can be updated for example quote price, job status and invoiced.
EasyCal Overview
Site calibration is also controlled by EasyCal. The required information for a site job is transferred to a laptop or 5051 calibration system. Alternatively calibration test forms can be produced
for hand written entry. The data is imported to the central servers database or entered into EasyCal back at base.
EasyCal Features
Management can over-see the complete operation. Keep track of calibration standards and instruments. Create and update uncertainty information. View and issue reports and certificates. Control user access and monitor job progress. Create, edit and sign off test procedures. With the ability to simulate calibration runs procedures can be tested without the need for the calibrating instrument or unit under test.
Laboratory stations perform the actual calibration, enter any on going job information, create or edit test procedures and issue certificates.
Office stations can keep track of job information, produce reminder reports and issue certificates.
EasyCal Networking
For windows 2000, xp, and vista
EasyCal Capabilities:
For laboratory, office and site calibration work, EasyCal is the ideal solution.
Automating the calibration process brings important benefits and provides increased speed of calibration and consistency of results. Calibration certificates and reports are produced easily to ISO
9001, ISO 17025, and UKAS quality standards. EasyCal also simplifies the administration process from reminder reports, through to despatch.
For laboratory, office and site calibration work, EasyCal is the ideal solution.
Model Number: | 9747 |
Brand Name: | Time Electronics |
Type: | Book |