ArcGIS Data Interoperability
Direct Rea4 Transformation, and Export of Data
ArcGIS Data lnteroperability facilitates data sharing by provid?ing state-of-the-art direct data access, data transformation, and export capabilities. Jointly developed with Sate Software on its
industry-standard Feature Manipulation Engine product, ArcGlS Data lnteroperability allows GlS professionals to use most standard GIS data within the ArcGIS Desktop environment, regardless of the
format. This means that users can directly read, display, and ana?lyze this data using all the tools available within ArcGIS Desktop.
With ArcGIS Data Interoperability you can
Directly read more than 70 spatial data formats including GML, XML, Autodesk~ DWG/DXF,MicroStation?Design,Maplnfo?MID/MIFandTAB, Oracle~ and Oracle Spatial, and Intergraph GeoMedia Warehouse.
Export to more than 50 spatial data formats.
Diagram and model custom spatial data formats using a semantic data translation engine with 120 specialized transformers.
lntegratewiththegeoprocessingframeworkandModelBuildertoenable data format manipulation within GlS models.
ArcGIS Data Interoperability Direct Rea4 Transformation, and Export of Data |