With the fees, E-Educator Sdn. Bhd. will guarantee the 24/7 operation of the system with no interruptions
The access for the teachers is free of charge. Teachers will be given a username and password each and they can participate in the e-learning system anytime and anywhere.
With these subscription fees, the school will own an e-learning system with the school's own url, banner and database. Each student will be given a username and a password and the students will enjoy access to the contents and usage of all the learning tools anytime and anywhere.
A highly reasonable yearly subscription fees is offered to the school. The subscription fees takes into account the installation of the platform, server hosting, system maintenance and technical aspects, contents and the streaming of the intelligent avatar. Please contact us for quotation.
Subscription Fees
In the course of its development, the product has undergone a thorough and stringent process of quality control, from the validation of the contents, accuracy of the graphics and appropriateness of the assessment questions to the editing of the language used. All these quality control mechanisms at every stage of the content development ensure the high standard of the contents made available by the system.
Quality Control of Content
The Pilot Testing of the Product
The pilot test to evaluate various aspects of this product was conducted in June-August 2008 involving more than 450 students from schools all over Penang. These students were brought to the research laboratories in USM and exposed to the product. Based on the results of the pilot testing, appropriate improvements to the product have been carried out.
Pilot Testing
Numerous publications have been published in local and international journals pertaining to the research and development of the product.
The research group of this product is headed by Professor Hanafi Atan, assisted by four senior lecturers from USM as co-researchers. Currently, there are also six full-time research students (Master and PhD levels) working on this product.
The Research Group
The product has been developed by a research group headed by Professor Hanafi Atan, Professor of e-learning at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The development of the static and dynamic contents as well other learning tools not provided by the LMS commenced in November 2006. Approximately, 30 personnel (graphics artists, programmers, content developers) were involved in the various stages of the development.
The Developmental Group
Research and Development
The Sequencing of Learning Activities (LAMS)
In addition, the LAMS also allows adaptive learning to be conducted. A group of students (good students) will follow a different learning sequence from another group of students (weaker students).
The Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) is integrated into the e-learning system. It allows the sequencing of learning activities to be conducted. In the system, students are required to complete an activity before being allowed to move to the next set of learning activities. Teachers can also track the learning activities of all the students.
Learning Activities Sequencing
The Live Video Meeting
At the end of each of the sub-chapters, the tool for live video meetings for the teacher and students is embedded. This tool allows live video discussions to be conducted on the contents within the sub-chapters.
Live Video Meeting
The platform will be integrated with live video meeting facility and tool for learning activity sequencing.
The sample of the subjects, curricular, static contents and dynamic contents, and login as a guest.
The platform utilised for the e-learning system is the Open Source Learning Management System (LMS) used widely by academic institutions all over the world. It is highly stable, easily scalable and expandable to suit the needs of academic institutions and training organisations.
Technical Aspects
E-Educator Sdn. Bhd. is also providing a package implementation of the i-Teacher for schools to support conventional classroom teaching and learning. The implementation consists of equipping the schools with the Learning Management System (LMS); each school will have its own url, banner as well as database. Embedded in the LMS are the dynamic and static contents, learning tools and collaborative tools.
Package for Schools
Click to obtain more information on the i-Teacher and how to subscribe to it.
The i-Teacher is highly affordable. At RM 40.00 per subject, students enjoy unlimited access to the learning materials of a subject throughout the year. They can utilise arrays of learning tools made available in thei-Teacher to enhance their understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts.
The product is now available for subscription for the period January 2009 - December 2009.
Individual Subscription
They can utilise arrays of learning tools made available in thei-Teacher to enhance their understanding of scientific concepts