OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Software Application Development: allowing your organization to utilize the tools and resources at PanOptic to create your own product offering. Contact us
today for more information.
PanOptic Web Subscription Services: a complete document imaging system for your office records. Records are searched using an Internet connection from your desktop. The application is hosted from
our secure location, thus giving you an instant disaster recovery plan. You have no cost for the application, only a low monthly subscription fee, shared throughout any participating office.
PanOptic Capture Series for Interwoven: adds the possibility for paper document capture where it was never an option. The capture, index and view modules are self-installable, and flexible. Files are readable in TIFF or PDF file formats, and allow Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for full content search.
PanOptic Capture for Panagon: PanOptic Capture for PanagonTM provides a flexible, cost-affective alternative for capturing and indexing information into FileNet's Content Services document repository. The PanOptic application can be utilized at all volumes of document processing.
Capture modules: modules that adapt to existing back-end solutions, for capturing paper files.
PanOptic for SQL: an affordable and flexible departmental or enterprise solution allowing unlimited document storage and an unlimited amount of end-users.
For Accounting
For Mortgage Brokers
PanOptic Paper Filer: an affordable departmental solution allowing organizations to scan, store and retrieve business critical documents within seconds.
PanOptic Paper Filer Lite: an entry-level into document storage and retrieval, the standalone version.
Document Imaging & Management Platforms: the electronic filing of your indexed documents into a central storage repository for later retrieval. Available as a standalone, departmental or enterprise solution.
the electronic filing of your indexed documents into a central storage repository for later retrieval.