Coupler, with it's user friendly interface, and powerful built in plug & play allows you to connect a new partner with AS2 in 5 minutes time!
Increased participation with a wide range of trading partners.
Lower costs by eliminating dedicated network provider
Fast data communications with real-time data exchange speeds.
Send data securely using data encryption and digital signatures
The encryption and decryption methods used by AS2 ensure that the information delivered over the Internet is not compromised in any way. Also with the digital signature, the receiving partner can be sure that the sending partner is valid.
AS2 treats each transfer as a unique event between trading partners. Prior to the transfer, trading partners must agree upon the encryption and must exchange digital certification to ensure proper transfer. The AS2 software processes the data from the sender, produces a digital signature and encrypts the data. The encrypted data is sent over the Internet to the receiving partner where the AS2 software validates the digital signature, decrypts the data and sends a message letting the sending partner know that the data was received properly.
The AS2 protocol transports business-critical data over the Internet via HTTP or HTTP/S (secure HTTP). AS2 provides additional security protection as well as a responding message letting the sender know the data was received.
AS2 does not require the need to send data through a VAN (Value Added Network). Data can be transferred over the Internet safely, quickly and effectively.
AS2 or EDI-INT is the communication standard used to securely transport business data using the Internet rather than over a dedicated network. With AS2 communications, you can transfer not only EDI documents but also documents in formats such as X12, XML and Microsoft Word. The data is not changed as it is transferred ?it arrives in the same format in which it was sent.
is the communication standard used to securely transport business data using the Internet rather than over a dedicated network.