Compliance - Helps ensure compliance with company Y2K requirements to avoid costly issues and corrections. Year 2000 compliant.
Value - Comprehensive fixed asset systems and extensive free technical support in a single affordable package.
Simplicity - Windows menus make our software quick and easy to set-up, use and understand.
Flexibility - all fixed asset information is easily accessible due to the system's real time environment.
Password security - Flexible setting on the restrictions of user priority of accessing asset data records.
Unlimited entries records and setting:
- Unlimited fixed asset records can be update by the user,
- Unlimited user-defined codes setting such as Category, Department, Location, Cost Center, GL Accounts, Group, etc.
Built in financial period - Provide a special built in calendar setting for user to define financial period schedule for the company.
Default Settings - It allows user to define the default setting for depreciation method for different category of assets. Also allows user to define default setting
for capital allowance for different category of assets
Depreciation methods - automatically compute monthly and annual depreciation, accumulated depreciation, net book value for each asset using straight line methods by
years, months, or by percentages and other methods.
Cost center allocation - Allows user to allocate multiple cost centre for monthly depreciation.
Output functions - User can choose the options for the report(s) to preview on screen, output to printer, to disk file or clipboard file to export to other to other
application packages such as MS Excel or Lotus Notes spreadsheet programs.
Query functions - Allows user to make any criteria selection to short list the assets required for any financial reports for accounting purposes.
Search records functions - Allows user to search asset records by asset code, category code, group, location or GL account code.
Initialize New Year - At the end of financial period , user can initialize new year to take care for your year end financial process automatically.