GasDynamicsTool is a software package developed for the numerical simulation of gas-dynamic processes in a wide range of initial and boundary conditions. GDT provides for high performance parallel
computing, and works on a variety of software and hardware platforms. High computation speed and accuracy of results make GDT an outstanding tool for solving CFD problems. The package includes
implementation of several mathematical models that allow use of the package in the exploration of complicated specific physicochemical processes. Development and incorporation of new models into
GDT is possible at clients request. The package offers a user-friendly interface that makes the learning process fast and easy.
By the determination of the Head Council of the ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 15.03.02, in accordance with the order of the ministry of Education of 13.02.01 within the
framework of the development of science intensive educational technologies, the GasDynamicsTool? package has been approved for the inclusion into the system of techniques for teaching gas and fluid
mechanics in Russian universities.
is a multifunctional visualizer that provides fast high quality 3D data visualization. It can be used as a GDT postprocessor as well as for visualization of data obtained from other sources such as
packages for numerical simulation, medical tomographs, CAD systems, etc. Real on-the-fly data visualization, 3D and stereoscopic visualization, making of dynamic and rotating animation and the use
of other state-of-the-art data analysis techniques make SVR an outstanding and powerful tool to assist in understanding fast and complicated phenomena, such as turbulent flows, combustion,
explosions, shock and blast waves, dynamic solid bodies deforming with large strains, fluid-structure interaction and a wide range of other applications. There are SVR versions for Windows and for
Unix. ScientificVR? is based on the modular architecture, which allows to supplement the given package with new capabilities by means of plug-ins. The plug-ins compatible with the ScientificVR? may
be developed by the producer as well as by the user of the system. Architecture of that kind has made it possible to achieve considerable flexibility in visualizing abstract data arrays.
GasDynamicsTool is a software package developed for the numerical simulation of gas-dynamic processes